Matter of Time is a composition by Stormvogel, (Drakenburger Concerto IV), based on a poly-rhythmical formula, compiled of both decreases and increases of meter. Harmonically the piece is a minor melodic blues (Em∆), besides the minor-melodic scale (ascending) also using symmetrical gamut (octatonic) as well as whole tone (hexatonic).
In his book ‘Apllying Karnatic Rhythmical Techniques to Western Music’, the author Rafael Reina takes notice of Stormvogel’s work, examining Matter of Time in detail, in relation to Carnatic systems of music. Also, Matter of Time is used as a music learning theory at conservatories throughout the Netherlands and abroad.
Matter of Time © Stormvogel Artistiek Bedrijf
Download the rhythm score (PDF) Matter of Time rhythm ©STAB
Stormvogel has performed Matter of Time in collaboration with his groups Alter Ego Jazzbarock Consort, Global Alternative Energy Attack and Bohemian Groove Orchestra, featuring various special guests like Tineke Postma, Leo Janssen and the legendary Scottish tenorist Tommy Smith. Matter of Time has been released by Stormvogel’s Alter Ego on CD (in 2011, with drummer Onno Witte and bassists Marco van Os and David de Marez Oyens and saxophonist Remko Smid Stahlhosen).
Matter of Time (Drakenburger Concerto IV) composed by StormvogelAlbum: Drakenburger Concerto’s Rise & Fall #1 The Last Decade (STAB/OWME 2011) Stormvogels Alter Ego Jazzbarock Consort Stormvogel (keys) | Onno Witte (drums) | David de Marez Oyens (bass) | Remko Smid Stahlhosen (tenor & soprano sax)
Matter of Time (Drakenburger Concerto IV) composed by Stormvogel
Venue: Festival de Muzen 2012, Theater de Lieve Vrouw Amersfoort
Bohemian Groove Seance
Stormvogel (keys) | Onno Witte (drums) | David de Marez Oyens (bass) | Arno van Nieuwenhuize (drums) | featuring Tommy Smith (tenor sax)
Matter of Time (Drakenburger Concerto IV) composed by Stormvogel
Venue: Festival de Muzen 2012, Theater de Lieve Vrouw Amersfoort
Bohemian Groove Seance
Stormvogel (keys) | Onno Witte (drums) | David de Marez Oyens (bass) | Arno van Nieuwenhuize (drums) | featuring Remko Smid Stahlhosen (tenor sax)
Matter of Time (Drakenburger Concerto IV) composed by Stormvogel
Venue: Loogement De Gaaper, Amersfoort 2010
Bohemian Groove Seance
Stormvogel (keys) | Onno Witte (drums) | Wiro Mahieu (bass)
Matter of Time (Drakenburger Concerto IV) composed by Stormvogel
Venue: Artishock, Soest 2010
Bohemian Groove Seance
Stormvogel (keys) | Onno Witte (drums) | Wiro Mahieu (bass)